Microblog App II 2020

bogotobogo.com site search:
users and microposts table:
users | |
id | integer |
name | string |
string |
microposts | |
id | integer |
content | string |
user_id | integer |
Creating a user
URL | Action | Purpose |
/users | index | page to list all users |
/users/1 | show | page to show user with id 1 |
/users/new | new | page to make a new user |
/users/1/edit | edit | page to edit user with id 1 |
To make a new user, we open the new page, as shown in the picture below.

We create a user by entering name and email values in the text fields and then clicking the Create User button. The result is shown in the page with url /users/1. The number 1 is simply the user's id attribute

Editing / Updating user's info
We can change a user's information:


Creating a 2nd user and Users list
Now we'll create a second user:

The resulting user index is shown in the picture below:

Destroying User

Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization