Ruby Arrays 2020 site search:
Ruby Arrays
Ruby arrays are ordered, integer-indexed collections of any object. Each element in an array is associated with and referred to by an index.
Ruby arrays can hold objects such as String, Integer, Fixnum, Hash, Symbol, even other Array objects. Ruby arrays are not as rigid as arrays in other languages. Ruby arrays grow automatically while adding elements to them.
One way of creating an array is with the new class method:
array_1 =
We can set the size of an array at the time of creating array:
array_2 = #=> [nil, nil, nil]
We can assign a value to each element in the array as follows:
array_3 =, "Ruby") #=> ["Ruby", "Ruby", "Ruby"]
Binary search
As a practice, here is a code for binary search:
#!/usr/bin/ruby # bin.rb def bin(a,n) s = 0 e = a.length - 1 mid = (s + e)/2 while ( mid >= s and mid <= e) if (n < a[mid]) e = mid - 1 elsif (n > a[mid]) s = mid + 1 else return true end mid = (s + e)/2 end return false end # input arr = [1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19] # try find = [1,9,17,0,21,8] find.each do |item| puts bin(arr,item) end
true true true false false false
Ruby on Rails
- Ruby On Rails Home
- Ruby - Input/Output, Objects, Load
- Ruby - Condition (if), Operators (comparison/logical) & case statement
- Ruby - loop, while, until, for, each, (..)
- Ruby - Functions
- Ruby - Exceptions (raise/rescue)
- Ruby - Strings (single quote vs double quote, multiline string - EOM, concatenation, substring, include, index, strip, justification, chop, chomp, split)
- Ruby - Class and Instance Variables
- Ruby - Class and Instance Variables II
- Ruby - Modules
- Ruby - Iterator : each
- Ruby - Symbols (:)
- Ruby - Hashes (aka associative arrays, maps, or dictionaries)
- Ruby - Arrays
- Ruby - Enumerables
- Ruby - Filess
- Ruby - code blocks and yield
- Rails - Embedded Ruby (ERb) and Rails html
- Rails - Partial template
- Rails - HTML Helpers (link_to, imag_tag, and form_for)
- Layouts and Rendering I - yield, content_for, content_for?
- Layouts and Rendering II - asset tag helpers, stylesheet_link_tag, javascript_include_tag
- Rails Project
- Rails - Hello World
- Rails - MVC and ActionController
- Rails - Parameters (hash, array, JSON, routing, and strong parameter)
- Filters and controller actions - before_action, skip_before_action
- The simplest app - Rails default page on a Shared Host
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- Git and BitBucket
- Deploying Rails 4 to Heroku
- Scaffold: A quickest way of building a blog with posts and comments
- Databases and migration
- Active Record
- Microblog 1
- Microblog 2
- Microblog 3 (Users resource)
- Microblog 4 (Microposts resource I)
- Microblog 5 (Microposts resource II)
- Simple_app I - rails html pages
- Simple_app II - TDD (Home/Help page)
- Simple_app III - TDD (About page)
- Simple_app IV - TDD (Dynamic Pages)
- Simple_app V - TDD (Dynamic Pages - Embedded Ruby)
- Simple_app VI - TDD (Dynamic Pages - Embedded Ruby, Layouts)
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- Adding custom fields to Devise User model and Customization
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- Deploying a Rails 4 app on CentOS 7 production server with Apache and Passenger II
- OOPS! Deploying a Rails 4 app on CentOS 7 production server with Apache and Passenger (Trouble shooting)
Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization