Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization
Go Tutorial
Calling code in an external package & go.mod / go.sum files
Workspaces II
Visual Studio Code
Data Types and Variables
byte and rune
Arrays and Slices
A function taking and returning a slice
Closures and Anonymous Functions
Structs and receiver methods
Value or Pointer Receivers
Web Application Part 0 (Introduction)
Web Application Part 1 (Basic)
Web Application Part 2 (Using net/http)
Web Application Part 3 (Adding "edit" capability)
Web Application Part 4 (Handling non-existent pages and saving pages)
Web Application Part 5 (Error handling and template caching)
Web Application Part 6 (Validating the title with a regular expression)
Web Application Part 7 (Function Literals and Closures)
Building Docker image and deploying Go application to a Kubernetes cluster (minikube)
Serverless Framework (Serverless Application Model-SAM)
Serverless Web API with AWS Lambda
Arrays vs Slices with an array left rotation sample
Variadic Functions
Channels ("<-")
Channels ("<-") with Select
Channels ("<-") with worker pools
GoLang Panic and Recover
String Formatting
Modules 0: Using External Go Modules from GitHub
Modules 1 (Creating a new module)
Modules 2 (Adding Dependencies)
AWS SDK for Go (S3 listing)
Linked List
Binary Search Tree (BST) Part 1 (Tree/Node structs with insert and print functions)
Go Application Authentication I (BasicAuth, Bearer-Token-Based Authentication)
Go Application Authentication II (JWT Authentication)
C++ Tutorials
C++ Home
Algorithms & Data Structures in C++ ...
Application (UI) - using Windows Forms (Visual Studio 2013/2012)
Binary Tree Example Code
Blackjack with Qt
Boost - shared_ptr, weak_ptr, mpl, lambda, etc.
Boost.Asio (Socket Programming - Asynchronous TCP/IP)...
Classes and Structs
C++11(C++0x): rvalue references, move constructor, and lambda, etc.
C++ API Testing
C++ Keywords - const, volatile, etc.
Debugging Crash & Memory Leak
Design Patterns in C++ ...
Dynamic Cast Operator
Eclipse CDT / JNI (Java Native Interface) / MinGW
Embedded Systems Programming I - Introduction
Embedded Systems Programming II - gcc ARM Toolchain and Simple Code on Ubuntu and Fedora
Embedded Systems Programming III - Eclipse CDT Plugin for gcc ARM Toolchain
Friend Functions and Friend Classes
fstream: input & output
Function Overloading
Functors (Function Objects) I - Introduction
Functors (Function Objects) II - Converting function to functor
Functors (Function Objects) - General
Git and GitHub Express...
GTest (Google Unit Test) with Visual Studio 2012
Inheritance & Virtual Inheritance (multiple inheritance)
Libraries - Static, Shared (Dynamic)
Linked List Basics
Linked List Examples
make & CMake
make (gnu)
Memory Allocation
Multi-Threaded Programming - Terminology - Semaphore, Mutex, Priority Inversion etc.
Multi-Threaded Programming II - Native Thread for Win32 (A)
Multi-Threaded Programming II - Native Thread for Win32 (B)
Multi-Threaded Programming II - Native Thread for Win32 (C)
Multi-Threaded Programming II - C++ Thread for Win32
Multi-Threaded Programming III - C/C++ Class Thread for Pthreads
MultiThreading/Parallel Programming - IPC
Multi-Threaded Programming with C++11 Part A (start, join(), detach(), and ownership)
Multi-Threaded Programming with C++11 Part B (Sharing Data - mutex, and race conditions, and deadlock)
Multithread Debugging
Object Returning
Object Slicing and Virtual Table
OpenCV with C++
Operator Overloading I
Operator Overloading II - self assignment
Pass by Value vs. Pass by Reference
Pointers II - void pointers & arrays
Pointers III - pointer to function & multi-dimensional arrays
Preprocessor - Macro
Private Inheritance
Python & C++ with SIP
(Pseudo)-random numbers in C++
References for Built-in Types
Socket - Server & Client
Socket - Server & Client 2
Socket - Server & Client 3
Socket - Server & Client with Qt (Asynchronous / Multithreading / ThreadPool etc.)
Stack Unwinding
Standard Template Library (STL) I - Vector & List
Standard Template Library (STL) II - Maps
Standard Template Library (STL) II - unordered_map
Standard Template Library (STL) II - Sets
Standard Template Library (STL) III - Iterators
Standard Template Library (STL) IV - Algorithms
Standard Template Library (STL) V - Function Objects
Static Variables and Static Class Members
String II - sstream etc.
Taste of Assembly
Template Specialization
Template Specialization - Traits
Template Implementation & Compiler (.h or .cpp?)
The this Pointer
Type Cast Operators
Upcasting and Downcasting
Virtual Destructor & boost::shared_ptr
Virtual Functions
Programming Questions and Solutions ↓
Strings and Arrays
Linked List
Bit Manipulation
Small Programs (string, memory functions etc.)
Math & Probability
140 Questions by Google
Win32 DLL ...
Articles On C++
What's new in C++11...
C++11 Threads EXPRESS...
Go Tutorial