Installing RabbitMQ & Celery

RabbitMQ & Celery Tutorials
Installing RabbitMQ & Celery
Hello World RabbitMQ
Work Queues (Task Queues) : RabbitMQ
Exchanges - Publish/Subscribe : RabbitMQ
Multiple bindings - Routing : RabbitMQ
Queueing Messages using Celery with RabbitMQ Message Broker Server
Before we move on, let's get familiar with a couple of terms.

Picture from
- RabbitMQ - Message broker server built on the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). RabbitMQ is written in Erlang. It's responsible queuing up tasks and scheduling them.
- Celery - Task queue that is built on an asynchronous message passing system. Celery is written in Python. It can be used as a wrapper for Python API to interact with RabbitMQ.
- Celeryd - Part of the Celery package and it is the worker that actually runs the task.
- Producer (Publisher) - A program that sends messages.
- Consumer - A program that mostly waits to receive messages.
RabbitMQ and Celery work together to execute a code sometime later when resources are available.
This video explains RabbitMQ's basic concepts very well.
- It starts with Publisher/Message Broker (Queue)/Consumer.
- It also explains how the Queue works.
- It addresses how we can guarantee the delivery of message (reliable delivery):
- The Broker send confirmation to the Producer when it successfully stored the message received.
- The Consumer send Ack to the Broker when it processed the message. At the Acknowledgement from the Consumer, the Broker removes the stored message from the queue.
- When the message system may fail : potential message duplication.
- We can scale the Consumers.
- Then, the video introduces the Exchange which is required by Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).
- We have three types of bindings which tells routing behavior from Exchange to the queues
- Fanout Exchange - ALWAYS deliver messages to binded queues REGARDLESS of bindings
- Direct Exchange - ONLY delivers messages to binded queues WHEN routing-key MATCHES bindings
- Topic Exchange - can use wile card for bindings */#
We'll work on Ubuntu 14.04. RabbitMQ installation on Ubuntu is as simple as this:
$ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server
Rabbitmq is set to start automatically after it's installed.
To see the information about the installed RabbitMQ such as version:
$ sudo rabbitmqctl status Status of node rabbit@k ... [{pid,5135}, {running_applications,[{rabbit,"RabbitMQ","3.2.4"}, {mnesia,"MNESIA CXC 138 12","4.11"}, {os_mon,"CPO CXC 138 46","2.2.14"}, {xmerl,"XML parser","1.3.5"}, {sasl,"SASL CXC 138 11","2.3.4"}, {stdlib,"ERTS CXC 138 10","1.19.4"}, {kernel,"ERTS CXC 138 10","2.16.4"}]}, {os,{unix,linux}}, {erlang_version,"Erlang R16B03 (erts-5.10.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:30] [kernel-poll:true]\n"}, {memory,[{total,35396072}, {connection_procs,2704}, {queue_procs,5408}, {plugins,0}, {other_proc,13384560}, {mnesia,60688}, {mgmt_db,0}, {msg_index,28112}, {other_ets,761752}, {binary,8632}, {code,16522377}, {atom,594537}, {other_system,4027302}]}, {vm_memory_high_watermark,0.4}, {vm_memory_limit,1487224832}, {disk_free_limit,50000000}, {disk_free,439562670080}, {file_descriptors,[{total_limit,924}, {total_used,3}, {sockets_limit,829}, {sockets_used,1}]}, {processes,[{limit,1048576},{used,123}]}, {run_queue,0}, {uptime,6387}] ...done.
To stop the rabbitmq:
$ sudo rabbitmqctl stop [sudo] password for k: Stopping and halting node rabbit@k ... ...done.
Issue the status command again to see that it's really stopped.
$ sudo rabbitmqctl statusError: unable to connect to node rabbit@k: nodedown DIAGNOSTICS =========== nodes in question: [rabbit@k] hosts, their running nodes and ports: - k: [{rabbitmqctl8566,53150}] current node details: - node name: rabbitmqctl8566@k - home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq - cookie hash: 37CWzJUtjVqK+RSWTjgfqg==
To start it again, the recommended method is
$ sudo invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start * Starting message broker rabbitmq-server
If we check the status again:
$ sudo rabbitmqctl status Status of node rabbit@k ... [{pid,8683}, {running_applications,[{rabbit,"RabbitMQ","3.2.4"}, {os_mon,"CPO CXC 138 46","2.2.14"}, {mnesia,"MNESIA CXC 138 12","4.11"}, {xmerl,"XML parser","1.3.5"}, {sasl,"SASL CXC 138 11","2.3.4"}, {stdlib,"ERTS CXC 138 10","1.19.4"}, {kernel,"ERTS CXC 138 10","2.16.4"}]}, {os,{unix,linux}}, {erlang_version,"Erlang R16B03 (erts-5.10.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [async-threads:30] [kernel-poll:true]\n"}, {memory,[{total,35605480}, {connection_procs,2704}, {queue_procs,5408}, {plugins,0}, {other_proc,13607584}, {mnesia,60128}, {mgmt_db,0}, {msg_index,20888}, {other_ets,755712}, {binary,7488}, {code,16522377}, {atom,594537}, {other_system,4028654}]}, {vm_memory_high_watermark,0.4}, {vm_memory_limit,1487224832}, {disk_free_limit,50000000}, {disk_free,439561547776}, {file_descriptors,[{total_limit,924}, {total_used,3}, {sockets_limit,829}, {sockets_used,1}]}, {processes,[{limit,1048576},{used,123}]}, {run_queue,0}, {uptime,56}] ...done.
We may want to create a directory where we can implement our new system:
$ mkdir ~/TEST/MQ $ cd ~/TEST/MQ
Now we install Celery:
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo pip install celery $ which celery /usr/local/bin/celery $ celery --version 3.1.13 (Cipater)
We're going to use Celery later after we've done some practice with RabbitMQ!
RabbitMQ & Celery Tutorials
Installing RabbitMQ & Celery
Hello World RabbitMQ
Work Queues (Task Queues) : RabbitMQ
Exchanges - Publish/Subscribe : RabbitMQ
Multiple bindings - Routing : RabbitMQ
Queueing Messages using Celery with RabbitMQ Message Broker Server
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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization