Python : GoogleApp HelloWorld

GoogleApp with Python
Google App Hello WorldGoogle App webapp2 & WSGI
Uploading Google App Hello World
Throughout this Google App Engine applications, we're going to use Python 2.7.
First, we need to download the Google App Engine Python SDK.
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04, so we want to unzip the App Engine SDK file we downloaded (
Here is a guide : Hello, World! - Google Developers. After creating two files, (request handler) and app.yaml (configuration file), our directories and files look like this:

Since we're not using Google App Engine Launcher, we need to start the web server with the following command, giving it the path to the helloworld directory:
k@k:~/TEST/GoogleApp$ google_appengine/ ~/TEST/GoogleApp/helloworld/
The web server is now running, listening for requests on port 8080. We can test the application by visiting the following URL in our web browser:

Note that when re run the app server, we can specify the port number we want to use (e.g. 8888):
k@k:~/TEST/GoogleApp/helloworld$ ls app.yaml k@k:~/TEST/GoogleApp/helloworld$ ../google_appengine/ --port 8888 .

Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization