Python - Iterators

In computer science, an iterator is an object that allows a programmer to traverse through all the elements of a collection regardless of its specific implementation.
- iterable produces iterator via __iter__()
- iterator produces a stream of values via next()
iterator = iterable.__iter__()
value = value = ...
To be more specific, we can start from an iterable, and we know a list (e.g, [1,2,3]) is iterable. iter(iterable) produces an iterater, and from this we can get stream of values.

>>> # Python 3 >>> iterable = [1,2,3] >>> iterator = iterable.__iter__() # or iterator = iter(iterable) >>> type(iterator) <type 'listiterator'> >>> value = iterator.__next__() # or value = next(iterator) >>> print(value) 1 >>> value = next(iterator) >>> print(value) 2 >>> >>> # Python 2 >>> iterable = [1,2,3] >>> iterator = iterable.__iter__() >>> type(iterator) <type 'listiterator'> >>> value = >>> value 1 >>> value = next(iterator) >>> value 2
Iterators in Python are a fundamental part of the language and in many cases go unseen as they are implicitly used in the for (foreach) statement, in list comprehensions, and in generator expressions.
"Iterators are the secret sauce of Python 3. They're everywhere, underlying everything, always just out of sight. Comprehensions are just a simple form of iterators. Generators are just a simple form of iterators. A function that yields values is a nice, compact way of building an iterator without building an iterator." - Mark Pilgrim
All of Python's standard built-in sequence types support iteration, as well as many classes which are part of the standard library.
The for loop can work on any sequence including lists, tuples, and strings:
>>> for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: print(x ** 3, end=' ') 1 8 27 64 125 >>> >>> for x in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5): print(x ** 3, end=' ') 1 8 27 64 125 >>> >>> for x in 'Beethoven': print(x * 3, end=' ') BBB eee eee ttt hhh ooo vvv eee nnn >>>
The for loop works on any iterable object. Actually, this is true of all iteration tools that scan objects from left to right in Python including for loops, the list comprehensions, and the map built-in function, etc.
Though the concept of iterable objects is relatively recent in Python, it has come to permeate the language's design. Actually, it is a generalization of the sequences. An object is iterable if it is either a physically stored sequence or an object that produces one result at a time in the context of an iteration tool like a for loop.
Note: For Python 2.x, the print is not a function but a statement. So, the right statement for the print is:
>>> for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: ... print x ** 3, ... 1 8 27 64 125
As a way of understanding the file iterator, we'll look at how it works with a file. Open file objects have readline() method. This reads one line each time we call readline(), we advance to the next line. At the end of the file, an empty string is returned. We detect it to get out of the loop.
>>> f = open('C:\\workspace\\Masters.txt') >>> f.readline() 'Michelangelo Buonarroti \n' >>> f.readline() 'Pablo Picasso\n' >>> f.readline() 'Rembrandt van Rijn \n' >>> f.readline() 'Leonardo Da Vinci \n' >>> f.readline() 'Claude Monet \n' >>> f.readline() '\n' # Returns an empty string at end-of-file >>> f.readline() '' >>>
But files also have a __next__() method that has an identical effect. It returns the next line from a file each time it is called. The only difference is that __next__() method raises a built-in StopIteration exception at end-of-file instead of returning an empty string.
>>> f = open('C:\\workspace\\Masters.txt') >>> f.__next__() 'Michelangelo Buonarroti \n' >>> f.__next__() 'Pablo Picasso\n' >>> f.__next__() 'Rembrandt van Rijn \n' >>> f.__next__() 'Leonardo Da Vinci \n' >>> f.__next__() 'Claude Monet \n' >>> f.__next__() '\n' >>> f.__next__() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#33>", line 1, in <module> f.__next__() StopIteration >>>
This interface is what we call the iteration protocol in Python. Any object with a __next__() method to advance to a next result is considered iterable. Any such object can also be stepped through with a for loop because all iteration tools work internally be calling __next__() method on each iteration.
So, the best way to read a text file line by line is not reading it at all. Instead let the for loop to call __next__() method to advance to the next line. The file object's iterator will do the work of loading lines as we go.
The example below prints each line without reading from the file at all:
>>> for line in open('C:\\workspace\\Masters.txt'): print(line.upper(), end=' ') MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI PABLO PICASSO REMBRANDT VAN RIJN LEONARDO DA VINCI CLAUDE MONET
Here, we use end=' ' in print to suppress adding a \n because line strings already have one. This is considered the best way to read text files line by line today. The reasons are:
- It's the simplest to code.
- It might be the quickest to run.
- It is the best in terms of memory usage.
The older way is to call the file readlines() method to load the file's content into memory as a list of line strings:
>>> for line in open('C:\\workspace\\Masters.txt').readlines(): print(line.upper(), end=' ') MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI PABLO PICASSO REMBRANDT VAN RIJN LEONARDO DA VINCI CLAUDE MONET
This readlines() loads the entire file into memory all at once. So, it will not work for files too big to fit into the memory. On the contrary, the iterator-based version is immune to such memory-explosion issues and it might run quicker, too.
We have a built-in next() function for manual iteration. The next() function automatically calls an object's __next__() method. For an object X, the call next(X) is the same as X.__next__() but simpler.
>>> f = open('C:\\workspace\\Masters.txt') >>> f.__next__() 'Michelangelo Buonarroti \n' >>> f.__next__() 'Pablo Picasso\n' >>> >>> f = open('C:\\workspace\\Masters.txt') >>> next(f) 'Michelangelo Buonarroti \n' >>> next(f) 'Pablo Picasso\n' >>>
When the for loop begins, it obtains an iterator from the iterable object by passing it to the iter built-in function. This object returned by iter has the required the __next__() method. Let's look at the internals of this through for loop with lists. For Python versions < 3, we may want to use next(iterObj) instead of iterobj.__next__().
>>> # works only for v.3+ >>> L = [1, 2, 3] >>> iter(L) is L # L itself is not an iterator object False >>> iterObj = iter(L) >>> iterObj.__next__ () 1 >>> iterObj.__next__ () 2 >>> iterObj.__next__ () 3 >>> iterObj.__next__ () Traceback (most recent call last): File ..... iterObj.__next__ () StopIteration >>>
The step:
iterObj = iter(L)
is not required for files because a file object is its own iterator. In other words, files have their own __next__() method. So, for file object, we do not need to get a returned iterator.
>>> f = open('C:\\workspace\\Masters.txt') >>> iter(f) is f True >>> f.__next__ () 'Michelangelo Buonarroti \n' >>>
But list and other built-in object are not their own iterators because they support multiple open iterations. For an object like that, we must call iter to start iteration:
>>> L = [1, 2, 3] >>> iter(L) is L False >>> L.__next__() Traceback (most recent call last): File ... L.__next__() AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute '__next__' >>> >>> >>> iterObj = iter(L) >>> iterObj.__next__() 1 >>> next(iterObj) 2 >>>
Though Python iteration tools call these functions automatically, we can use them to apply the iteration protocol manually, too.
>>> L = [1, 2, 3] >>> >>> for x in L: # Automatic iteration print(x ** 3, end=' ') # Obtains iter, calls __next__ # and catches exceptions 1 8 27 >>> iterObj = iter(L) # Manual iteration which is >>> # for loops usually do
We've looked at the iterators for files and lists. How about the others such as dictionaries?
To step through the keys of a dictionary is to request its keys list explicitly:
>>> D = {'a':97, 'b':98, 'c':99} >>> for k in D.keys(): print(k, D[k]) a 97 c 99 b 98
Dictionaries have an iterator that automatically returns one key at a time in an iteration context:
>>> iterObj = iter(D) >>> next(iterObj) 'a' >>> next(iterObj) 'c' >>> next(iterObj) 'b' >>> next(iterObj) Traceback (most recent call last): File ... next(iterObj) StopIteration >>>
So, we no longer need to call the keys() method to step through dictionary keys. The for loop will use the iteration protocol to grab one key at a time through:
>>> for k in D: print(k, D[k]) a 97 c 99 b 98
Other Python object types also support the iterator protocol and thus may be used in for loops too. For example, shelves which is an access-by-key file system for Python objects and the results from os.popen which is a tool for reading the output of shell commands are iterable as well:
>>> import os >>> P = os.popen('dir') >>> P.__next__() ' Volume in drive C has no label.\n' >>> P.__next__() ' Volume Serial Number is 0C60-AED5\n' >>> next(P) Traceback (most recent call last): File ... next(P) TypeError: _wrap_close object is not an iterator >>>
Note that popen object support a method, they support the P.__next__() method, but not the next(P) built-in.
The iteration protocol also is the reason that we've had to wrap some results in a list call to see their values all at once (Python ver. 3.x). Object that are iterable returns results one at a time, not in a physical list:
>>> R = range(5) >>> # Ranges are iterables in 3.0 >>> R range(0, 5) >>> # Use iteration protocol to produce results >>> iterObj = iter(R) >>> next(iterObj) 0 >>> next(iterObj) 1 >>> # Use list to collect all results at once >>> list(range(5)) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>>
Note on range():
For Python 3.x, range just returns an iterator, and generates items in the range on demand instead of building the list results in memory (Python 2.x does this). So, if we want to display result, we must use list(range(...)):
>>> L = range(5) >>> L range(0, 5) # Python 3.x >>> list(L) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>> L [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # Python 2.x
Now we should be able to see how it explains why the enumerate tool works the way it does:
>>> E = enumerate('Python') >>> E <enumerate object at 0x0000000003234678> >>> iterObj = iter(E) >>> # Generate results with iteration protocol >>> next(iterObj) (0, 'P') >>> next(iterObj) (1, 'y') >>> list(enumerate('Python')) [(0, 'P'), (1, 'y'), (2, 't'), (3, 'h'), (4, 'o'), (5, 'n')]
Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization