Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
Wiki describes Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) like this:
In statistics, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of a statistical model given data.
We'll start with a binomial distribution.
Suppose we have dataset : 0,1,1,0,1,1 with the probability like this:
$$ p(x=1)=\mu, \quad p(x=0)=1-\mu$$What is the maximum likelihood of the parameter $\mu$?
We can think of the dataset as the outcome of coin toss, and 1 for head, 0 for tail. So, the coin appears biased towards heads. But how much?
Let's multiply the probability of each data point as a function of the parameter $\mu$:
$$ L(\mu) = p(0)p(1)p(1)p(0)p(1)p(1) = (1-\mu)\mu\mu(1-\mu)\mu\mu = (1-\mu)^2\mu^4$$Then, log of $L(\mu)$ becomes:
$$ log(L(\mu))=2log(1-\mu)+4log\mu$$To get the value of $\mu$ which makes $L(\mu)$ max, let's get the derivative of $log(L(\mu))$:
$$ (logL)^\prime = \frac {-2}{1-\mu} + \frac{4}{\mu} = 0$$This gives us $\mu = 2/3$.
Still, we're not sure it's just a saddle or a real max. So, let's get a \mu which makes 2nd derivative equals to 0:
$$ (logL)^{\prime \prime} = \frac {2}{(1-\mu)^2}- \frac {4}{\mu^2} $$We get negative value if we put $\mu = 2/3$ in the 2nd derivative. So, we can be sure it's max when $\mu = 2/3$.
So, if the dataset is for coin toss, then we can say the coin's bias($\mu$) for head is 2/3!
The sample we used just has one parameter ($\mu$: bias towards heads).
In the next section, we'll deal with more general case where we want to estimate multiple parameters.
Let's start by looking into the following maximum likelihood function:
$$ L(w)=\prod_i^n(\phi(z^{(i)})^{y^{(i)}}(1-\phi(z^{(i)}))^{1-y^{(i)}}$$Note that compared with the $L(\mu)$ in the previous section, here $\phi(z)$ is the (conditional) probability.
$$ \phi(z)=p(y=1|x;w)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}$$where $z$ is the net input:
$$ z = \sum_iw_ix_i$$We learned that we can use the logistic regression model to predict probabilities and class labels.
Now let's think about the parameters of the model, for example, weights $w$ with the likelihood $L(w)$ defined above. We want to maximize it when we build a logistic regression model.
In other words, maximizing the likelihood means maximizing the probability. Since we are talking about "cost", lets reverse the likelihood function so that we can minimize a cost function $J$.
For convenience (in case when we use gradient or stochastic gradient descent), we may want to use log-likelihood function as our "cost function", $J(w)$, that can be minimized using gradient descent:
$$ log(L(w))=\sum_i^n y^{(i)}log(\phi(z^{(i)})+(1-y^{(i)})log(1-\phi(z^{(i)}))$$ $$ J(w) = \sum_i^n -y^{(i)}log(\phi(z^{(i)})-(1-y^{(i)})log(1-\phi(z^{(i)}))$$To make the property of this cost function more clear, let's take a look at the cost function with just one single-sample instance:
$$ J(\phi(z),y;w)=\sum_i^n -\; y log\phi(z)-(1-y) \; log(1-\phi(z)) $$If we look at the equation carefully, we can see that the first term becomes zero if $y = 0$, while the second term becomes zero if $y = 1$, respectively as shown in the picture below:
$$ J(\phi(z),y;w)= \begin{cases}-log(\phi(z)) & if \; y=1 \\ -log(1-\phi(z)) & if \; y=0 \end{cases}$$
As we can see from the picture, the cost approaches 0 (green) if we correctly predict that a sample belongs to class 1. Similarly, we can see on the y axis that the cost also approaches 0 if we correctly predict y = 0 (blue).
However, if the prediction is wrong, we penalize wrong predictions by increasing the cost to large a value.
Picture code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np phi = np.arange(0.01, 1.0, 0.01) j1 = -np.log(phi) j0 = -np.log(1-phi) plt.plot(phi, j1, color="green", label="y=1") plt.plot(phi, j0, color="blue", label="y=0") plt.xlabel('$\phi$(z)') plt.ylabel('J(w)') plt.title('Cost functions') plt.grid(False) plt.legend(loc='upper center')
We can use Jupyter as well via inline matplotlib feature:

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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization