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Bucket Sort
Bucket sort is a sorting algorithm that works by partitioning an array into a number of buckets.
Each bucket is then sorted individually, either using a different sorting algorithm, or by recursively applying the bucket sorting algorithm. It is a distribution sort, and is a cousin of radix sort in the most to least significant digit flavor. Bucket sort is a generalization of pigeonhole sort. Since bucket sort is not a comparison sort, the (n log n) lower bound is inapplicable. The computational complexity estimates involve the number of buckets.
Bucket sort works as follows:
- Set up an array of initially empty buckets.
- Go over the original array, putting each object in its bucket.
- Sort each non-empty bucket.
- Visit the buckets in order and put all elements back into the original array.

Diagram from wiki
C++ code
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; #define NARRAY 8 /* array size */ #define NBUCKET 5 /* bucket size */ #define INTERVAL 10 /* bucket range */ struct Node { int data; struct Node *next; }; void BucketSort(int arr[]); struct Node *InsertionSort(struct Node *list); void print(int arr[]); void printBuckets(struct Node *list); int getBucketIndex(int value); void BucketSort(int arr[]) { int i,j; struct Node **buckets; /* allocate memory for array of pointers to the buckets */ buckets = (struct Node **)malloc(sizeof(struct Node*) * NBUCKET); /* initialize pointers to the buckets */ for(i = 0; i < NBUCKET;++i) { buckets[i] = NULL; } /* put items into the buckets */ for(i = 0; i < NARRAY; ++i) { struct Node *current; int pos = getBucketIndex(arr[i]); current = (struct Node *) malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); current->data = arr[i]; current->next = buckets[pos]; buckets[pos] = current; } /* check what's in each bucket */ for(i = 0; i < NBUCKET; i++) { cout << "Bucket[" << i << "] : "; printBuckets(buckets[i]); cout << endl; } /* sorting bucket using Insertion Sort */ for(i = 0; i < NBUCKET; ++i) { buckets[i] = InsertionSort(buckets[i]); } /* check what's in each bucket */ cout << "-------------" << endl; cout << "Bucktets after sorted" << endl; for(i = 0; i < NBUCKET; i++) { cout << "Bucket[" << i << "] : "; printBuckets(buckets[i]); cout << endl; } /* put items back to original array */ for(j =0, i = 0; i < NBUCKET; ++i) { struct Node *node; node = buckets[i]; while(node) { arr[j++] = node->data; node = node->next; } } /* free memory */ for(i = 0; i < NBUCKET;++i) { struct Node *node; node = buckets[i]; while(node) { struct Node *tmp; tmp = node; node = node->next; free(tmp); } } free(buckets); return; } /* Insertion Sort */ struct Node *InsertionSort(struct Node *list) { struct Node *k,*nodeList; /* need at least two items to sort */ if(list == 0 || list->next == 0) { return list; } nodeList = list; k = list->next; nodeList->next = 0; /* 1st node is new list */ while(k != 0) { struct Node *ptr; /* check if insert before first */ if(nodeList->data > k->data) { struct Node *tmp; tmp = k; k = k->next; tmp->next = nodeList; nodeList = tmp; continue; } for(ptr = nodeList; ptr->next != 0; ptr = ptr->next) { if(ptr->next->data > k->data) break; } if(ptr->next!=0){ struct Node *tmp; tmp = k; k = k->next; tmp->next = ptr->next; ptr->next = tmp; continue; } else{ ptr->next = k; k = k->next; ptr->next->next = 0; continue; } } return nodeList; } int getBucketIndex(int value) { return value/INTERVAL; } void print(int ar[]) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NARRAY; ++i) { cout << setw(3) << ar[i]; } cout << endl; } void printBuckets(struct Node *list) { struct Node *cur = list; while(cur) { cout << setw(3) << cur->data; cur = cur->next; } } int main(void) { int array[NARRAY] = {29,25,3,49,9,37,21,43}; cout << "Initial array" << endl; print(array); cout << "-------------" << endl; BucketSort(array); cout << "-------------" << endl; cout << "Sorted array" << endl; print(array); return 0; }
Initial array 29 25 3 49 9 37 21 43 ------------- Bucket[0] : 9 3 Bucket[1] : Bucket[2] : 21 25 29 Bucket[3] : 37 Bucket[4] : 43 49 ------------- Bucktets after sorted Bucket[0] : 3 9 Bucket[1] : Bucket[2] : 21 25 29 Bucket[3] : 37 Bucket[4] : 43 49 ------------- Sorted array 3 9 21 25 29 37 43 49
Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization