Algorithms - Path Finding
The detailed description of A* algorithm can be found A* Pathfinding for Beginners.
The C++ code below is based on that article, and it's using priority_queue of STL to store sorted list of nodes. When we push( ) an object onto a priority_queue, that object is sorted into the queue according to a comparison function or function object. We can allow the default less template to supply this, or we can provide one of our own as in the code below. The priority_queue ensures that when we look at the top( ) element, it will be the one with the highest priority. When we're done with it, we call pop( ) to remove it and bring the next one into place. Thus, the priority_queue has nearly the same interface as a stack, but it behaves differently. Like stack and queue, priority_queue is an adaptor that is built on top of one of the basic sequences the default sequence being vector.
The program below, gives lower-F the highest priority by overloading operator< of Node class.
Here is a diagram (8x6 grid) used to simulate the description of the tutorial mentioned earlier:

In the code, when NDIR=4, only vertical and horizontal movements are allowed, and when NDIR=8, diagonal movements are allowed.
#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <math.h> #include <ctime> #include <string> #include <queue> using namespace std; const int IDIM = 8; // horizontal size of the squares const int JDIM = 6; // vertical size size of the squares const int NDIR = 4; // number of possible directions to go at any position // if NDIR = 4 const int iDir[NDIR] = {1, 0, -1, 0}; const int jDir[NDIR] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; // if NDIR = 8 //const int iDir[NDIR] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1}; //const int jDir[NDIR] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1}; int squares[IDIM][JDIM]; // list of closed (check-out) nodes int closedNodes[IDIM][JDIM]; // list of open (not-yet-checked-out) nodes int openNodes[IDIM][JDIM]; // map of directions (0: East, 1: North, 2: West, 3: South) int dirMap[IDIM][JDIM]; struct Location { int row, col; Location() { row = col = 0; }; Location(int r, int c) { row = r; col = c; }; }; class Node { // current position int rPos; int cPos; // total distance already travelled to reach the node int GValue; // FValue = GValue + remaining distance estimate int FValue; // smaller FValue gets priority public: Node(const Location &loc;, int g, int f) {rPos = loc.row; cPos = loc.col; GValue = g; FValue = f;} Location getLocation() const {return Location(rPos,cPos);} int getGValue() const {return GValue;} int getFValue() const {return FValue;} void calculateFValue(const Location& locDest) { FValue = GValue + getHValue(locDest) * 10; } void updateGValue(const int & i) // i: direction { GValue += (NDIR == 8 ? (i % 2 == 0 ? 10 : 14) : 10); } // Estimation function for the remaining distance to the goal. const int & getHValue(const Location& locDest) const { static int rd, cd, d; rd = locDest.row - rPos; cd = locDest.col - cPos; // Euclidian Distance // d = static_cast<int>(sqrt((double)(rd*rd+cd*cd))); // Manhattan distance d = abs(rd) + abs(cd); // Chebyshev distance //d = max(abs(rd), abs(cd)); return(d); } // Determine FValue (in the priority queue) friend bool operator<(const Node & a, const Node & b) { return a.getFValue() > b.getFValue(); } }; // A-star algorithm. // The path returned is a string of direction digits. string pathFind( const Location &locStart; , const Location &locFinish; ) { // list of open (not-yet-checked-out) nodes static priority_queue<Node> q[2]; // q index static int qi; static Node* pNode1; static Node* pNode2; static int i, j, row, col, iNext, jNext; static char c; qi = 0; // reset the Node lists (0 = ".") for(j = 0; j < JDIM; j++) { for(i = 0; i < IDIM; i++) { closedNodes[i][j] = 0; openNodes[i][j] = 0; } } // create the start node and push into list of open nodes pNode1 = new Node(locStart, 0, 0); pNode1->calculateFValue(locFinish); q[qi].push(*pNode1); // A* search while(!q[qi].empty()) { // get the current node w/ the lowest FValue // from the list of open nodes pNode1 = new Node( q[qi].top().getLocation(), q[qi].top().getGValue(), q[qi].top().getFValue()); row = (pNode1->getLocation()).row; col = pNode1->getLocation().col; cout << "row, col=" << row << "," << col << endl; // remove the node from the open list q[qi].pop(); openNodes[row][col] = 0; // mark it on the closed nodes list closedNodes[row][col] = 1; // stop searching when the goal state is reached if(row == locFinish.row && col == locFinish.col) { // drawing direction map cout << endl; for(j = JDIM - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for(i = 0; i < IDIM; i++) { cout << dirMap[i][j]; } cout << endl; } cout << endl; // generate the path from finish to start from dirMap string path = ""; while(!(row == locStart.row && col == locStart.col)) { j = dirMap[row][col]; c = '0' + (j + NDIR/2) % NDIR; path = c + path; row += iDir[j]; col += jDir[j]; } // garbage collection delete pNode1; // empty the leftover nodes while(!q[qi].empty()) q[qi].pop(); return path; } // generate moves in all possible directions for(i = 0; i < NDIR; i++) { iNext = row + iDir[i]; jNext = col + jDir[i]; // if not wall (obstacle) nor in the closed list if(!(iNext < 0 || iNext > IDIM - 1 || jNext < 0 || jNext > JDIM - 1 || squares[iNext][jNext] == 1 || closedNodes[iNext][jNext] == 1)) { // generate a child node pNode2 = new Node( Location(iNext, jNext), pNode1->getGValue(), pNode1->getFValue()); pNode2->updateGValue(i); pNode2->calculateFValue(locFinish); // if it is not in the open list then add into that if(openNodes[iNext][jNext] == 0) { openNodes[iNext][jNext] = pNode2->getFValue(); q[qi].push(*pNode2); // mark its parent node direction dirMap[iNext][jNext] = (i + NDIR/2) % NDIR; } // already in the open list else if(openNodes[iNext][jNext] > pNode2->getFValue()) { // update the FValue info openNodes[iNext][jNext] = pNode2->getFValue(); // update the parent direction info, mark its parent node direction dirMap[iNext][jNext] = (i + NDIR/2) % NDIR; // replace the node by emptying one q to the other one // except the node to be replaced will be ignored // and the new node will be pushed in instead while(!(q[qi].top().getLocation().row == iNext && q[qi].top().getLocation().col == jNext)) { q[1 - qi].push(q[qi].top()); q[qi].pop(); } // remove the wanted node q[qi].pop(); // empty the larger size q to the smaller one if(q[qi].size() > q[1 - qi].size()) qi = 1 - qi; while(!q[qi].empty()) { q[1 - qi].push(q[qi].top()); q[qi].pop(); } qi = 1 - qi; // add the better node instead q[qi].push(*pNode2); } else delete pNode2; } } delete pNode1; } // no path found return ""; } int main() { // create empty squares for(int j = 0; j < JDIM; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < IDIM; i++) squares[i][j] = 0; } // make wall squares[4][2] = 1; squares[4][3] = 1; squares[4][4] = 1; // starting and ending positions int iStart = 2,jStart = 3; int iEnd = 6,jEnd = 3; cout << "Grid Size (IDIM,JDIM): "<< IDIM<< "," << JDIM << endl; cout << "Start: " << iStart<<","<< jStart << endl; cout << "Finish: " << iEnd<<","<< jEnd << endl; clock_t start = clock(); // get the path string path = pathFind(Location(iStart, jStart), Location(iEnd, jEnd)); clock_t end = clock(); double time = double(end - start); cout << "Time (ms): "<< time << endl; cout << "path: " << path << endl; // follow the path on the squares and display it if(path.length() > 0) { char c; int m,n; int i = iStart; int j = jStart; squares[i][j] = 2; for(m = 0; m < path.length(); m++) { c =; n = atoi(&c;); i = i + iDir[n]; j = j + jDir[n]; squares[i][j] = 3; } squares[i][j] = 4; // display the squares with the path for(j = JDIM - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for(i = 0; i < IDIM; i++) { if(squares[i][j] == 0) cout << "."; else if(squares[i][j] == 1) cout << "O"; //obstacle else if(squares[i][j] == 2) cout << "I"; //Initial else if(squares[i][j] == 3) cout << "P"; //path else if(squares[i][j] == 4) cout << "F"; //final } cout << endl; } } return(0); }

Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization