Linux Secure Shell (SSH) IV : SSH Tunnel (Local Port Forwarding)

There are two kinds of port forwarding: local and remote forwarding. They are also called outgoing and incoming tunnels, respectively.

Picture credit: SSH Tunneling Explained
To simulate the picture, we'll use EC2 as a remote and my home computer as a local:
$ ssh -L ec2b ubuntu@ip-172-31-1-211:~$

The L switch indicates that a local port forward is need to be created. The switch syntax is as follows:
-L <local-port-to-listen>:<remote-host>:<remote-port>
Now the SSH client at "local" will connect to SSH server running at "remote" (usually running at ssh port 22) binding port 9001 of "local" to listen for local requests thus creating a SSH tunnel between "local" and "remote". At the "remote" end it will create a connection to "" at port 80. So "local" doesn't need to know how to connect to "". Only "remote" needs to worry about that. The channel between "remote" and "local" will be encrypted while the connection between "remote" and "" will be unencrypted.
So, the syntax of the full command would be as follows:
ssh -L <local-port-to-listen>:<remote-host>:<remote-port> <gateway>
To make it easier to ssh to remote, we set up an alias as "ec2b" in ~/.ssh/config like this:
Host ec2b Hostname User ubuntu IdentityFile ~/.ssh/SSH-EC2.pem
In that way, we can ssh login simply by:
$ ssh ec2b
Instead of doing this:
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/SSH-EC2.pem
Now that local port forwarding is done, we can type in http://localhost:9001 into the browser at local. The "remote" computer will act as a gateway which would accept requests from "local" machine and fetch data and tunnelling it back.

Note here the "remote" to "" connection is only made when browser makes the request not when the tunnel is setup.
As another example, we want to see DB on remote ( from our local machine via 9001 port.
k@laptop:~$ ssh -L 9001:localhost:80 -l sfvue sfvue@'s password: [sfvue@sf ~]$
Open a browser on our local machine, and type in localhost:9001/phpmyadmin. Then we can go in our database on remote server.

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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization