Docker & Kubernetes : HashiCorp's Vault and Consul - Auto-unseal using Transit Secrets Engine

Continued from Docker & Kubernetes : HashiCorp's Vault and Consul on minikube, in this post, we'll do Auto-unseal using Transit Secrets Engine (Auto-unseal using Transit Secrets Engine).
Important : we need to make sure two env variables should be set (VAULT_ADDR and VAULT_CACERT), which is explained later in this section, otherwise we get 509 error for vault
command. It might have been simpler if we could just use http but the way my minikube setup for Vault communication is via https, so we'll stick to it through out this post.
We'll use two Vaults (vault-1 and vault-2), and the vault-1 should be listening to 8200 while port 8100 will be used for the vault-2. The vault-1 will be used as a encryption service provider.
For a fresh start, let's delete the Consul/Vault pods to get fresh Vault if they are still there:
$ kubectl delete -f consul/statefulset.yaml statefulset.apps "consul" deleted $ kubectl delete -f vault/deployment.yaml deployment.extensions "vault" deleted
Then, create 3 of the Vaults by setting replicas: 3 in vault/deployment.yaml:
$ kubectl create -f vault/deployment.yaml deployment.extensions/vault created
Though not going to affect Vault unseal, we may want to create consul pods as well and setup port-forward:
$ kubectl create -f consul/statefulset.yaml statefulset.apps/consul created $ kubectl port-forward consul-1 8500:8500
$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE consul-0 1/1 Running 0 76s consul-1 1/1 Running 0 74s consul-2 1/1 Running 0 71s vault-fb8d76649-5ldh2 2/2 Running 0 89s vault-fb8d76649-9bgdq 2/2 Running 0 89s vault-fb8d76649-wdsx7 2/2 Running 0 89s $ kubectl port-forward vault-84b7b67d87-dzqv4 8200:8200 Forwarding from -> 8200 Forwarding from [::1]:8200 -> 8200 ...
If Vault client not installed yet, it needs to be installed (Download Vault):
If the client installed, by executing vault
, we should see help output similar to the following:
$ vault Usage: vault <command> [args] Common commands: read Read data and retrieves secrets write Write data, configuration, and secrets delete Delete secrets and configuration list List data or secrets login Authenticate locally agent Start a Vault agent server Start a Vault server status Print seal and HA status unwrap Unwrap a wrapped secret ...
Let's set certs related environment variables:
$ export VAULT_ADDR= $ export VAULT_CACERT="certs/ca.pem"
Without those variables, we may get similar to the following error during the initialization:
Error initializing: Put x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Start initialization with the default options:
$ vault operator init Unseal Key 1: G9/Xea2iuwos4mVOArOAvGQ4ZS5a66uk/EzgOiBpVYd7 Unseal Key 2: bbkQvl/30WCXumrXPb6IqojFmUh04IiaWinv77vrJ3Cz Unseal Key 3: mNyxdRWddvqDh0f9vxDnP4FX4k7iXvqZ6b32emrEC17J Unseal Key 4: D0I0PlFNIapJrYIoUarRWfjGZnL6dw20ZqdYNtbeJWuN Unseal Key 5: XQW4/VtieZaAWc+tRAzFln5VIOvmtO2FXiLg1863o6p5 Initial Root Token: 8sPw5UQaechgblAglBwtpR9p ...
We could have used the following command doing the same:
$ vault operator init \ -key-shares=5 \ -key-threshold=3
The key-shares is the number of key shares to split the generated master key into. This is the number of "unseal keys" to generate. key-threshold is the number of key shares required to reconstruct the master key. This must be less than or equal to key-shares.
$ vault operator unseal G9/Xea2iuwos4mVOArOAvGQ4ZS5a66uk/EzgOiBpVYd7 Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed true Total Shares 5 Threshold 3 Unseal Progress 1/3 Unseal Nonce 7a98342d-aa11-a432-ab62-25026e98d7b5 Version 0.11.5 HA Enabled true $ vault operator unseal bbkQvl/30WCXumrXPb6IqojFmUh04IiaWinv77vrJ3Cz Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed true Total Shares 5 Threshold 3 Unseal Progress 2/3 Unseal Nonce 7a98342d-aa11-a432-ab62-25026e98d7b5 Version 0.11.5 HA Enabled true $ vault operator unseal mNyxdRWddvqDh0f9vxDnP4FX4k7iXvqZ6b32emrEC17J Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Shares 5 Threshold 3 Version 0.11.5 Cluster Name vault-cluster-bd336bc4 Cluster ID d54b0cd8-cdf8-9ab9-d66a-30e2670e9196 HA Enabled true HA Cluster n/a HA Mode standby Active Node Address <none>
Authenticate with the root token:
$ vault login 8sPw5UQaechgblAglBwtpR9p Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login" again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token. Key Value --- ----- token 8sPw5UQaechgblAglBwtpR9p token_accessor 1S7u96fRHBeVdK13AFcCg3HF token_duration ∞ token_renewable false token_policies ["root"] identity_policies [] policies ["root"]
Let's check the status:
$ vault status Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Shares 5 Threshold 3 Version 0.11.5 Cluster Name vault-cluster-89fc7934 Cluster ID b8766e4e-5fbf-2852-692f-5b4a9ea7fad6 HA Enabled true HA Cluster HA Mode active
Vault 1 ( is the encryption service provider, and its transit key protects the Vault 2 server's master key. Therefore, the first step is to enable and configure the transit secrets engine on Vault 1 as shown in the picture below:

Enable an audit device so that we can examine the audit log later:
$ vault audit enable file file_path=audit.log Success! Enabled the file audit device at: file/
Execute the following command to enable the transit secrets engine and create a key named, autounseal:
$ vault secrets enable transit Success! Enabled the transit secrets engine at: transit/ $ vault write -f transit/keys/autounseal Success! Data written to: transit/keys/autounseal
Create a autounseal policy which permits update against transit/encrypt/autounseal and transit/decrypt/autounseal paths:
# Create a policy file $ tee autounseal.hcl <<EOF path "transit/encrypt/autounseal" { capabilities = [ "update" ] } path "transit/decrypt/autounseal" { capabilities = [ "update" ] } EOF # Create an 'autounseal' policy $ vault policy write autounseal autounseal.hcl Success! Uploaded policy: autounseal
This creates a policy to permit update against transit/encrypt/<key_name> and transit/decrypt/<key_name> where the <key_name> is the name of the encryption key we created in the previous step:

Create a client token with autounseal policy attached and response wrap it with TTL of 120 seconds:
$ vault token create -policy="autounseal" -wrap-ttl=120 Key Value --- ----- wrapping_token: 351A6CLcQuVYnbOerkw9ATgp wrapping_accessor: 8rSJgjkU8c8jTakstmPf4ghb wrapping_token_ttl: 2m wrapping_token_creation_time: 2019-05-30 16:50:46.425737148 +0000 UTC wrapping_token_creation_path: auth/token/create wrapped_accessor: 6gRh1zfHEwsQZK6EDe6AEdhU
Now, let's setup a second Vault instance which listens to port 8100.
The server configuration file should define a seal stanza with parameters properly set based on the tasks we performed in the previous step.

Execute the following command to unwrap the secrets passed from Vault 1:
# VAULT_TOKEN=<wrapping_token> vault unwrap $ VAULT_TOKEN=351A6CLcQuVYnbOerkw9ATgp vault unwrap Key Value --- ----- token 1mY1KEXANytZzmTRT6Fn07h3 token_accessor 6gRh1zfHEwsQZK6EDe6AEdhU token_duration 768h token_renewable true token_policies ["autounseal" "default"] identity_policies [] policies ["autounseal" "default"]
The revealed token is the client token Vault 2 will use to connect with Vault 1.
On a new terminal (for vault-2), set VAULT_TOKEN environment variable whose value is the client token we just unwrapped:
$ export VAULT_TOKEN=1mY1KEXANytZzmTRT6Fn07h3
Next, create a server configuration file (config-autounseal.hcl) to start a second Vault instance (Vault 2):
disable_mlock = true ui=true storage "file" { path = "vault-2/data" } listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = 0 tls_cert_file = "certs/vault.pem" tls_key_file = "certs/vault-key.pem" } seal "transit" { address = "" disable_renewal = "false" key_name = "autounseal" mount_path = "transit/" tls_skip_verify = "true" }
Notice that the address points to the Vault server listening to port 8200 (Vault 1). The key_name and key_name match to what we created in the previous section.
Start the vault server with the configuration file:
$ vault server -config=config-autounseal.hcl ==> Vault server configuration: Seal Type: transit Transit Address: Transit Key Name: autounseal Transit Mount Path: transit/ Cgo: disabled Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cluster address: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", max_request_size: "33554432", tls: "enabled") Log Level: info Mlock: supported: false, enabled: false Storage: file Version: Vault v1.1.2 Version Sha: 0082501623c0b704b87b1fbc84c2d725994bac54 ==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below: 2019-05-30T10:01:58.503-0700 [WARN] no `api_addr` value specified in config or in VAULT_API_ADDR; falling back to detection if possible, but this value should be manually set 2019-05-30T10:01:58.506-0700 [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch 2019-05-30T10:01:58.506-0700 [WARN] failed to unseal core: error="stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found" 2019-05-30T10:02:03.511-0700 [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch 2019-05-30T10:02:03.511-0700 [WARN] failed to unseal core: error="stored unseal keys are supported, but none were found" 2019-05-30T10:02:08.513-0700 [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch ...
This message indicates that our vault-2 is not initialized:
$ VAULT_ADDR= vault status Key Value --- ----- Recovery Seal Type transit Initialized false Sealed true Total Recovery Shares 0 Threshold 0 Unseal Progress 0/0 Unseal Nonce n/a Version n/a HA Enabled false RM-MERASO-MAC:Vault-Kubernetes2 ki.hong$
So, leave the terminal where the command vault server -config=config-autounseal.hcl
is running, the let's open another terminal and initialize our second Vault server (Vault 2):
$ VAULT_ADDR= vault operator init -recovery-shares=1 \ -recovery-threshold=1 > recovery-key.txt
By passing the VAULT_ADDR, the subsequent command gets executed against the second Vault server (
Notice also that we are setting the number of recovery key and recovery threshold because there is no unseal keys with auto-unseal. Vault 2's master key is now protected by the transit secret engine of Vault 1. Recovery keys are used for high-privilege operations such as root token generation. Recovery keys are also used to make Vault operable if Vault has been manually sealed through the vault operator seal
Let's go back to the previous terminal, and check the output:
... 2019-05-29T16:32:03.403-0700 [WARN] core: stored keys supported on init, forcing shares/threshold to 1 2019-05-29T16:32:03.404-0700 [INFO] core: security barrier not initialized 2019-05-29T16:32:03.412-0700 [INFO] core: security barrier initialized: shares=1 threshold=1 2019-05-29T16:32:03.426-0700 [INFO] core: post-unseal setup starting 2019-05-29T16:32:03.454-0700 [INFO] core: loaded wrapping token key 2019-05-29T16:32:03.454-0700 [INFO] core: successfully setup plugin catalog: plugin-directory= 2019-05-29T16:32:03.455-0700 [INFO] core: no mounts; adding default mount table 2019-05-29T16:32:03.464-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=cubbyhole path=cubbyhole/ 2019-05-29T16:32:03.469-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=system path=sys/ 2019-05-29T16:32:03.471-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=identity path=identity/ 2019-05-29T16:32:03.486-0700 [INFO] core: successfully enabled credential backend: type=token path=token/ 2019-05-29T16:32:03.487-0700 [INFO] rollback: starting rollback manager 2019-05-29T16:32:03.487-0700 [INFO] core: restoring leases 2019-05-29T16:32:03.489-0700 [INFO] identity: entities restored 2019-05-29T16:32:03.489-0700 [INFO] identity: groups restored 2019-05-29T16:32:03.489-0700 [INFO] core: post-unseal setup complete 2019-05-29T16:32:03.490-0700 [INFO] expiration: lease restore complete 2019-05-29T16:32:03.541-0700 [INFO] core: root token generated 2019-05-29T16:32:03.541-0700 [INFO] core: pre-seal teardown starting 2019-05-29T16:32:03.541-0700 [INFO] rollback: stopping rollback manager 2019-05-29T16:32:03.542-0700 [INFO] core: pre-seal teardown complete 2019-05-29T16:32:03.542-0700 [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch 2019-05-29T16:32:03.550-0700 [INFO] core: vault is unsealed 2019-05-29T16:32:03.551-0700 [INFO] core.cluster-listener: starting listener: listener_address= 2019-05-29T16:32:03.551-0700 [INFO] core.cluster-listener: serving cluster requests: cluster_listen_address= 2019-05-29T16:32:03.551-0700 [INFO] core: post-unseal setup starting 2019-05-29T16:32:03.552-0700 [INFO] core: loaded wrapping token key 2019-05-29T16:32:03.552-0700 [INFO] core: successfully setup plugin catalog: plugin-directory= 2019-05-29T16:32:03.553-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=system path=sys/ 2019-05-29T16:32:03.553-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=identity path=identity/ 2019-05-29T16:32:03.553-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=cubbyhole path=cubbyhole/ 2019-05-29T16:32:03.556-0700 [INFO] core: successfully enabled credential backend: type=token path=token/ 2019-05-29T16:32:03.556-0700 [INFO] core: restoring leases 2019-05-29T16:32:03.556-0700 [INFO] rollback: starting rollback manager 2019-05-29T16:32:03.556-0700 [INFO] expiration: lease restore complete 2019-05-29T16:32:03.557-0700 [INFO] identity: entities restored 2019-05-29T16:32:03.557-0700 [INFO] identity: groups restored 2019-05-29T16:32:03.557-0700 [INFO] core: post-unseal setup complete
Check the Vault 2 server status on the terminal for vault-2. It is now successfully initialized and unsealed:
$ VAULT_ADDR= vault status Key Value --- ----- Recovery Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Recovery Shares 1 Threshold 1 Version 1.1.2 Cluster Name vault-cluster-99fa9f20 Cluster ID 20cbbe39-388a-e1a7-5982-e37e1e13b3c9 HA Enabled false
Notice that it shows "Total Recovery Shares" instead of "Total Shares". The transit secrets engine is solely responsible for protecting the master key of Vault 2. There are some operations that still requires Shamir's keys (e.g. regenerate a root token). Therefore, Vault 2 server requires recovery keys although auto-unseal has been enabled.
To verify that Vault 2 gets automatically unseal, press Ctrl + C to stop the Vault 2 server where it is running (where the vault server -config=config-autounseal.hcl
is running):
^C==> Vault shutdown triggered 2019-05-29T17:33:21.058-0700 [INFO] core: marked as sealed 2019-05-29T17:33:21.058-0700 [INFO] core: pre-seal teardown starting 2019-05-29T17:33:21.058-0700 [INFO] rollback: stopping rollback manager 2019-05-29T17:33:21.059-0700 [INFO] core: pre-seal teardown complete 2019-05-29T17:33:21.059-0700 [INFO] core: stopping cluster listeners 2019-05-29T17:33:21.059-0700 [INFO] core.cluster-listener: forwarding rpc listeners stopped 2019-05-29T17:33:21.504-0700 [INFO] core.cluster-listener: rpc listeners successfully shut down 2019-05-29T17:33:21.504-0700 [INFO] core: cluster listeners successfully shut down 2019-05-29T17:33:21.504-0700 [INFO] core: vault is sealed 2019-05-29T17:33:21.504-0700 [INFO] seal-transit: shutting down token renewal
Note that Vault 2 is now sealed.
Press the upper-arrow key, and execute the vault server -config=config-autounseal.hcl
command again to start Vault 2 and see what happens:
$ vault server -config=config-autounseal.hcl ==> Vault server configuration: Seal Type: transit Transit Address: Transit Key Name: autounseal Transit Mount Path: transit/ Cgo: disabled Listener 1: tcp (addr: "", cluster address: "", max_request_duration: "1m30s", max_request_size: "33554432", tls: "enabled") Log Level: info Mlock: supported: false, enabled: false Storage: file Version: Vault v1.1.2 Version Sha: 0082501623c0b704b87b1fbc84c2d725994bac54 ==> Vault server started! Log data will stream in below: 2019-05-29T17:36:46.741-0700 [WARN] no `api_addr` value specified in config or in VAULT_API_ADDR; falling back to detection if possible, but this value should be manually set 2019-05-29T17:36:46.752-0700 [INFO] core: stored unseal keys supported, attempting fetch 2019-05-29T17:36:46.771-0700 [INFO] core: vault is unsealed 2019-05-29T17:36:46.771-0700 [INFO] core.cluster-listener: starting listener: listener_address= 2019-05-29T17:36:46.771-0700 [INFO] core.cluster-listener: serving cluster requests: cluster_listen_address= 2019-05-29T17:36:46.773-0700 [INFO] core: post-unseal setup starting 2019-05-29T17:36:46.774-0700 [INFO] core: loaded wrapping token key 2019-05-29T17:36:46.774-0700 [INFO] core: successfully setup plugin catalog: plugin-directory= 2019-05-29T17:36:46.776-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=system path=sys/ 2019-05-29T17:36:46.776-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=identity path=identity/ 2019-05-29T17:36:46.776-0700 [INFO] core: successfully mounted backend: type=cubbyhole path=cubbyhole/ 2019-05-29T17:36:46.785-0700 [INFO] core: successfully enabled credential backend: type=token path=token/ 2019-05-29T17:36:46.785-0700 [INFO] core: restoring leases 2019-05-29T17:36:46.785-0700 [INFO] rollback: starting rollback manager 2019-05-29T17:36:46.785-0700 [INFO] expiration: lease restore complete 2019-05-29T17:36:46.786-0700 [INFO] identity: entities restored 2019-05-29T17:36:46.786-0700 [INFO] identity: groups restored 2019-05-29T17:36:46.786-0700 [INFO] core: post-unseal setup complete 2019-05-29T17:36:46.787-0700 [INFO] core: unsealed with stored keys: stored_keys_used=1
Notice that the Vault server is already unsealed. The Transit Address is set to our Vault 1 which is listening to port 8200 (
Check the Vault 2 server status:
$ VAULT_ADDR= vault status Key Value --- ----- Recovery Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed false Total Recovery Shares 1 Threshold 1 Version 1.1.2 Cluster Name vault-cluster-99fa9f20 Cluster ID 20cbbe39-388a-e1a7-5982-e37e1e13b3c9 HA Enabled false
Now, examine the audit log in Vault 1. But for some reason, got the following error:
$ tail -f audit.log | jq tail: audit.log: No such file or directory
- Auto-unseal using Transit Secrets Engine
- Docker Compose - Hashicorp's Vault and Consul Part A (install vault, unsealing, static secrets, and policies)
- Docker Compose - Hashicorp's Vault and Consul Part B (EaaS, dynamic secrets, leases, and revocation)
- Docker Compose - Hashicorp's Vault and Consul Part C (Consul)
- HashiCorp Vault and Consul on AWS with Terraform
- repo: HashCorp-Vault-and-Consul-on-Minikube
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- Docker & Kubernetes : Helm Package Manager with MySQL on GCP Kubernetes Engine
- Docker & Kubernetes : Deploying Memcached on Kubernetes Engine
- Docker & Kubernetes : EKS Control Plane (API server) Metrics with Prometheus
- Docker & Kubernetes : Spinnaker on EKS with Halyard
- Docker & Kubernetes : Continuous Delivery Pipelines with Spinnaker and Kubernetes Engine
- Docker & Kubernetes : Multi-node Local Kubernetes cluster : Kubeadm-dind (docker-in-docker)
- Docker & Kubernetes : Multi-node Local Kubernetes cluster : Kubeadm-kind (k8s-in-docker)
- Docker & Kubernetes : nodeSelector, nodeAffinity, taints/tolerations, pod affinity and anti-affinity - Assigning Pods to Nodes
- Docker & Kubernetes : Jenkins-X on EKS
- Docker & Kubernetes : ArgoCD App of Apps with Heml on Kubernetes
- Docker & Kubernetes : ArgoCD on Kubernetes cluster
- Docker & Kubernetes : GitOps with ArgoCD for Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes clusters (minikube) - guestbook
Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization