Docker install via Puppet

In this article, we'll see how Puppet can automate the provisioning of Docker containers. We'll use a module from Puppet forge to install Docker. It provides a puppet class for installing Docker and two defined types for managing images and containers.
- Puppet
It is a system configuration tool.
It enforces states of resources defined in a puppet manifest. A resource can be anything that has a state such as files, daemons, databases and other services.
The exact implementation of how to manipulate a resource and what are the possible states of a resource are defined in modules. It runs in a master-agent (server-client) architecture, where agents periodically check in at the master and ask for the manifest.
- Docker
It is a container technology. It is NOT virtualization, all containers share the same kernel.
Containers are based on images. Images are pre-configured states of a container. Consider them as a tar.gz of a Linux installation, including all libraries and packages. When a process is executed inside a container, it will be using libraries and configuration inside the container. Containers are single use: once the process terminates it can't be re-executed in the same container. (Not after docker 1.3: it introduced docker exec. But the original philosophy was that containers are immutable.)
Images are layered. Basically after executing something in the container, the end-state of the container can be saved to a new image. In order to save disk space, not the whole container will be saved, but only the difference between the original image and the end-state of the container. Docker uses AUFS (Another Union File System) to simulate a full filesystem based on these layers.
-From Will Docker or Puppet work?
The two technologies have one overlapping area: provisioning.
Docker has something called the Dockerfile which is a set of instructions on how-to build an image.
Puppet is a provisioning tool by itself, doing the same state: putting a system into a state.
But while Puppet excels at precise orchestration, it's also very slow to execute.
Docker has limited configuration power compared to Puppet, but it's extremely fast to spin up a new container based on an existing image.
The idea is to use Puppet to provision a complete service into a Docker image, then use this image on the agents to start the services.
There are a lot of benefits with this approach:
- Time saver: The puppet manifest that provisions a service is only required to run once, during image creation. The same image can be used in test, staging, production and development, lowering the diversity of environments.
- Portability: the image can be used in any virtualization, in the cloud or on bare metal.
- Rollbacks are always possible and are always simple: we can always spin up a previous image.
-From Will Docker or Puppet work?
In this article, we assume puppet master has been already installed: Puppet install on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Puppet master post install tasks.
Let's install garethr/docker from Puppet forge. It's a module for installing and managing docker.
$ sudo puppet module install garethr-docker Notice: Preparing to install into /etc/puppet/modules ... Notice: Downloading from ... Notice: Installing -- do not interrupt ... /etc/puppet/modules |--- garethr-docker (v4.1.1) |-- puppetlabs-apt (v2.1.1) |-- puppetlabs-stdlib (v4.9.0) |-- stahnma-epel (v1.1.1)
The /etc/puppet/manifests/docker_example.pp should look like as shown below:
include 'docker' docker::image { 'ubuntu': image_tag => 'trusty', }
The module includes a single class:
include 'docker'
By default, this sets up the docker hosted repository if necessary for our OS, and installs the docker package and on Ubuntu, any required Kernel extensions.
docker::image { 'ubuntu': image_tag => 'trusty' }
The image tags is equivalent to running docker pull -t="trusty" ubuntu. Note that the image will only install if an image of that name does not already exist.
Let's apply the puppet manifest (/etc/puppet/manifests/docker_example.pp) in order to get docker installed on our puppet master:
$ sudo puppet apply site.pp ... Notice: Finished catalog run in 46.40 seconds
Let's check if docker has been installed:
$ sudo docker version Client version: 1.7.1 Client API version: 1.19 Go version (client): go1.4.2 Git commit (client): 786b29d OS/Arch (client): linux/amd64 Server version: 1.7.1 Server API version: 1.19 Go version (server): go1.4.2 Git commit (server): 786b29d OS/Arch (server): linux/amd64
Also, we can check there is no running docker:
Check the installation of the ubuntu docker image:
$ sudo docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE ubuntu trusty 91e54dfb1179 3 weeks ago 188.4 MB
It's looking good, and we have an image to work with.
We can launch containers:
docker::run { 'helloworld': image => 'ubuntu', command => '/bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"', }
which is equivalent to running the following:
docker run -d base /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
This will launch a Docker container managed by the local init system.
Let's run the updated puppet manifests:
$ sudo puppet apply docker_example.pp Notice: Compiled catalog for puppet in environment production in 0.57 seconds Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Docker::Run[helloworld]/File[/etc/init.d/docker-helloworld]/ensure: created Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/Docker::Run[helloworld]/Service[docker-helloworld]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running' Notice: Finished catalog run in 2.47 seconds
We can check if it ran successfully:
$ sudo docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES f7d43960cb62 ubuntu "/bin/sh -c 'while t About a minute ago Up About a minute helloworld
If we want, we can attach it:
$ sudo docker attach f7d43960cb62 hello world hello world hello world
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- Docker container vs Virtual Machine
- Docker install on Ubuntu 14.04
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- Docker image and container via docker commands (search, pull, run, ps, restart, attach, and rm)
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- File sharing between host and container (docker run -d -p -v)
- Linking containers and volume for datastore
- Dockerfile - Build Docker images automatically I - FROM, MAINTAINER, and build context
- Dockerfile - Build Docker images automatically II - revisiting FROM, MAINTAINER, build context, and caching
- Dockerfile - Build Docker images automatically III - RUN
- Dockerfile - Build Docker images automatically IV - CMD
- Dockerfile - Build Docker images automatically V - WORKDIR, ENV, ADD, and ENTRYPOINT
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- Kubernetes Q & A - Part II
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- Docker & Kubernetes : GitOps with ArgoCD for Continuous Delivery to Kubernetes clusters (minikube) - guestbook
Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization