Docker & Kubernetes : Deploy Prometheus and Grafana using Helm and Prometheus Operator - Monitoring Kubernetes node resources out of the box

Note: Operator for Prometheus has been deprecated. To deploy, please check out Docker & Kubernetes : Deploy Prometheus and Grafana using kube-prometheus-stack Helm Chart.
Since its intruction in 2016 by CoreOS, the operators are rapidly becoming the standard way of managing applications on Kubernetes especially the ones which are stateful in nature.
Whenever we deploy our application on Kubernetes cluster, we leverage multiple Kubernetes objects such as deployment, service, role, config map, ingress, etc. However, as our application gets complex, managing our application only with the native Kubernetes objects becomes difficult.
While Kubernetes manages a complete lifecycle of stateless application, it cannot manage (automate) the lifecycle of stateless application.
Combined with CRDs (custom resource definitions) and custom controllers, operators eliminate the requirement for manual intervention while performing such tasks as upgrading, handling failure recovery, and scaling stateful applications.
In summary, by using operators, we can simplify and standardize the management of complex applications and stateful workloads within our Kubernetes cluster. This approach aligns with the principles of GitOps and declarative infrastructure, which aim to specify the desired state of our infrastructure and applications as code.
There are great and Kubernetes ready apps in public repository.
Is any Helm chart for Prometheus with Operator?
$ helm search prometheus NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION stable/prometheus 11.12.0 2.20.1 Prometheus is a monitoring system and time series database. stable/prometheus-adapter 2.5.0 v0.7.0 A Helm chart for k8s prometheus adapter stable/prometheus-blackbox-exporter 4.3.0 0.16.0 Prometheus Blackbox Exporter stable/prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter 0.8.3 0.8.0 A Helm chart for prometheus cloudwatch-exporter stable/prometheus-consul-exporter 0.1.5 0.4.0 A Helm chart for the Prometheus Consul Exporter stable/prometheus-couchdb-exporter 0.1.1 1.0 A Helm chart to export the metrics from couchdb in Promet... stable/prometheus-mongodb-exporter 2.8.0 v0.10.0 A Prometheus exporter for MongoDB metrics stable/prometheus-mysql-exporter 0.7.0 v0.11.0 A Helm chart for prometheus mysql exporter with cloudsqlp... stable/prometheus-nats-exporter 2.5.0 0.6.2 A Helm chart for prometheus-nats-exporter stable/prometheus-node-exporter 1.11.1 1.0.1 A Helm chart for prometheus node-exporter stable/prometheus-operator 9.3.1 0.38.1 Provides easy monitoring definitions for Kubernetes servi... stable/prometheus-postgres-exporter 1.3.0 0.8.0 A Helm chart for prometheus postgres-exporter stable/prometheus-pushgateway 1.4.1 1.2.0 A Helm chart for prometheus pushgateway stable/prometheus-rabbitmq-exporter 0.5.5 v0.29.0 Rabbitmq metrics exporter for prometheus stable/prometheus-redis-exporter 3.5.0 1.3.4 Prometheus exporter for Redis metrics stable/prometheus-snmp-exporter 0.0.5 0.14.0 Prometheus SNMP Exporter stable/prometheus-to-sd 0.3.0 0.5.2 Scrape metrics stored in prometheus format and push them ... stable/elasticsearch-exporter 3.7.0 1.1.0 Elasticsearch stats exporter for Prometheus stable/helm-exporter 0.3.3 0.4.0 DEPRECATED Exports helm release stats to prometheus stable/karma 1.5.2 v0.68 A Helm chart for Karma - an UI for Prometheus Alertmanager stable/stackdriver-exporter 1.2.3 0.6.0 Stackdriver exporter for Prometheus stable/weave-cloud 0.3.7 1.4.0 Weave Cloud is a add-on to Kubernetes which provides Cont... stable/kube-state-metrics 2.8.14 1.9.7 Install kube-state-metrics to generate and expose cluster... stable/kuberhealthy 1.2.6 v1.0.2 The official Helm chart for Kuberhealthy. stable/mariadb 7.3.14 10.3.22 DEPRECATED Fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use open...
Ok, we can use the one we found.
The following command deploys prometheus-operator on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The default installation includes Prometheus Operator, Alertmanager, Grafana, and configuration for scraping Kubernetes infrastructure.
$ helm install --name my-release stable/prometheus-operator NAME: my-release LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Aug 14 21:07:56 2020 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: DEPLOYED ...
Everything has been deployed: pod/containers/services/secrets for Prometheus and Grafana.
Now, we can not only monitor cluster and pod health but also has default alerting systm is in place.
We have Grafana dashboard and Prometheus UI as well.
We'll get to the internal details later sections of this post.
The chart repo is available from
When we look at the deployed services, the service types are all ClusterIP types. That means they are cluster internal and we cannot access them from outside:
$ kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE alertmanager-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP 47m kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 63m my-release-grafana ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 47m my-release-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 47m my-release-prometheus-node-exporter ClusterIP <none> 9100/TCP 47m my-release-prometheus-oper-alertmanager ClusterIP <none> 9093/TCP 47m my-release-prometheus-oper-operator ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP,443/TCP 47m my-release-prometheus-oper-prometheus ClusterIP <none> 9090/TCP 47m prometheus-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9090/TCP 46m
We'll use kubectl port-forward
which is useful for testing/debugging purposes because we can access our service locally without exposing it:
Kubernetes back-end services not intended for remote exposure.
Let's get the port of the Grafana from the container:
$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE alertmanager-my-release-prometheus-oper-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 0 59m my-release-grafana-9c8fb59b6-bgktk 2/2 Running 0 59m my-release-kube-state-metrics-844f86b568-6p54b 1/1 Running 0 59m my-release-prometheus-node-exporter-vwjhq 1/1 Running 0 59m my-release-prometheus-oper-operator-6497fd9d4f-tjtht 2/2 Running 0 59m prometheus-my-release-prometheus-oper-prometheus-0 3/3 Running 1 59m $ kubectl logs my-release-grafana-9c8fb59b6-bgktk -c grafana ... t=2020-08-15T04:09:51+0000 lvl=info msg="Created default admin" logger=sqlstore user=admin t=2020-08-15T04:09:51+0000 lvl=info msg="Starting plugin search" logger=plugins t=2020-08-15T04:09:51+0000 lvl=info msg="Registering plugin" logger=plugins name="Direct Input" t=2020-08-15T04:09:51+0000 lvl=info msg="inserting datasource from configuration " logger=provisioning.datasources name=Prometheus uid= t=2020-08-15T04:09:51+0000 lvl=info msg="HTTP Server Listen" logger=http.server address=[::]:3000 protocol=http subUrl= socket= t=2020-08-15T05:06:57+0000 lvl=info msg="Request Completed" logger=context userId=0 orgId=0 uname= method=GET path=/ status=302 remote_addr= time_ms=1 size=29 referer=
From the logs we got the default Grafana user=admin, we can get the password from

As discussed earlier, the kubectl port-forward
command establishes a tunnel from the target pod to our localhost.
The command requires us to define the type or name of the resource as well as local and remote port numbers:
kubectl port-forward TYPE/NAME [options] LOCAL_PORT:REMOTE_PORT
Now, we are almost ready to use Grafana. Just do a port-forward. We'll use deployment to select port-forward pod:
$ kubectl get deployment NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE my-release-grafana 1/1 1 1 52m my-release-kube-state-metrics 1/1 1 1 52m my-release-prometheus-oper-operator 1/1 1 1 52m $ kubectl port-forward deployment/my-release-grafana 3000 Forwarding from -> 3000 Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 3000

Login and select Manage:

Lots of monitoring dashboards are already there: API server, cluster, nodes, pods, statefulsets, etc.

$ kubectl get pod NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE alertmanager-my-release-prometheus-oper-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 0 121m my-release-grafana-9c8fb59b6-bgktk 2/2 Running 0 122m my-release-kube-state-metrics-844f86b568-6p54b 1/1 Running 0 122m my-release-prometheus-node-exporter-vwjhq 1/1 Running 0 122m my-release-prometheus-oper-operator-6497fd9d4f-tjtht 2/2 Running 0 122m prometheus-my-release-prometheus-oper-prometheus-0 3/3 Running 1 121m
$ kubectl port-forward prometheus-my-release-prometheus-oper-prometheus-0 9090 Forwarding from -> 9090 Forwarding from [::1]:9090 -> 9090

With PromQL:

Recall, we did helm install
to deploy our Prometheus stack:
$ helm install --name my-release stable/prometheus-operator
We don't need to do it but let's fetch the release history:
$ helm history my-release REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION DESCRIPTION 1 Sat Aug 14 22:07:39 2020 DEPLOYED prometheus-operator-9.3.1 0.38.1 Install complete
To undo the deploy, we may want to use helm delete
with the release name:
$ helm delete --name my-release release "my-release" deleted
Although the release has been deleted and the Prometheus no longer runs, Helm will save all the revision information for a future re-deploy. If we trying to re-install the my-release right now, we would have an error:
$ helm install --name my-release stable/prometheus-operator Error: a release named my-release already exists. Run: helm ls --all my-release; to check the status of the release Or run: helm del --purge my-release; to delete it
We can see the deleted releases:
$ helm ls --deleted NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE my-release 1 Fri Aug 14 21:07:56 2020 DELETED prometheus-operator-9.3.1 0.38.1 default $ helm ls --all my-release NAME REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION NAMESPACE my-release 1 Fri Aug 14 21:07:56 2020 DELETED prometheus-operator-9.3.1 0.38.1 default
Lastly, let's purge it:
$ helm del --purge my-release release "my-release" deleted $ helm ls --all my-release $
Now, the Prometheus release (my-release) has been completely removed, and the release name can be reused.
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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization