Docker : Kubernetes Service Account

Service account, Role, RoleBinding in EKS
RBAC is based on declarative permissions definitions and cluster API objects. The main objects are roles and cluster roles, both representing a set of permissions on certain objects in the API.
- Role - should work with a namespace
- ClusterRole - without namespace and works across all namespaces
- Both of the roles set permissions
apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: namespace: default name: role1 rules: - apiGroups: ['*'] resources: ['nodes','pods', 'pods/log'] verbs: ['get', 'list'] - apiGroups: ['*'] resources: ['configmaps'] resourceNames: ['my-configmap'] verbs: ['get', 'list'] apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata:namespace: defaultname: clusterRole1 rules: - apiGroups: ['*'] resources: ['nodes', 'pods'] verbs: ['get', 'list'] - nonResourceURLs: ['/api', '/healthz*'] verbs: ['get', 'head']
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: aggregatedClusterRole1 aggregationRule: clusterRoleSelectors: - matchLabels: label1: value1 # The control plane automatically fills in the rules rules: []
When a pod is created in the Kubernetes cluster with any given namespace, these pods by default creates a service account with the name default. The default service account automatically creates the service token along with the required secret object.
$ kubectl get sa NAME SECRETS AGE consul-consul-client 1 15h consul-consul-server 1 15h default 1 23h vault 1 15h vault-agent-injector 1 15h
To see all Service Account regardless of the namespace, we want to add "-A" flag:
$ kubectl get sa -A NAMESPACE NAME SECRETS AGE default consul-consul-client 1 24h default consul-consul-server 1 24h default default 1 32h default vault 1 24h default vault-agent-injector 1 24h kube-node-lease default 1 32h kube-public default 1 32h kube-system attachdetach-controller 1 32h kube-system bootstrap-signer 1 32h kube-system certificate-controller 1 32h kube-system clusterrole-aggregation-controller 1 32h kube-system coredns 1 32h kube-system cronjob-controller 1 32h kube-system daemon-set-controller 1 32h kube-system default 1 32h kube-system deployment-controller 1 32h kube-system disruption-controller 1 32h kube-system endpoint-controller 1 32h kube-system endpointslice-controller 1 32h kube-system endpointslicemirroring-controller 1 32h kube-system expand-controller 1 32h kube-system generic-garbage-collector 1 32h kube-system horizontal-pod-autoscaler 1 32h kube-system job-controller 1 32h kube-system kube-proxy 1 32h kube-system namespace-controller 1 32h kube-system node-controller 1 32h kube-system persistent-volume-binder 1 32h kube-system pod-garbage-collector 1 32h kube-system pv-protection-controller 1 32h kube-system pvc-protection-controller 1 32h kube-system replicaset-controller 1 32h kube-system replication-controller 1 32h kube-system resourcequota-controller 1 32h kube-system service-account-controller 1 32h kube-system service-controller 1 32h kube-system statefulset-controller 1 32h kube-system storage-provisioner 1 32h kube-system token-cleaner 1 32h kube-system ttl-controller 1 32h
To see the default secret attached with the default token:
$ kubectl get secret NAME TYPE DATA AGE default-token-mdrld 3 23h
We will be able to get the name of default token value, default-token-mdrld, and this automatically gets created when any pod is created in the given node namespace.
To view the secret object detail against the default token:
$ kubectl describe secret default-token-mdrld Name: default-token-mdrld Namespace: default Labels: <none> Annotations: default 11caa5d6-eadb-4554-b7be-af05411703f1 Type: Data ==== ca.crt: 1066 bytes namespace: 7 bytes token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Il9TM1ZBdzNYSUlQclNfQz ... XkOPIfHgp-0BYr7wuWaPATj3lc_bHOIBhjozQtJSQRk-fa6L5ca0B_83JEKZ_6LQmxC74aYSOkQ
So, for our application hosted in the pod with the same namespace, this default secret object can be used to give access to the API servers lying in the same cluster namespace.
A user. group or a service account to be able to access a resource according to a rule, we need to define bindings between the two, those are RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding.

Kubernetes RBAC 101: authorization
RoleBuiding is always created in a specific namespace and ClusterRoleBinding can be associated with either a Role in the same namespace or a ClusterRole.
- Application load balancing on Amazon EKS
- wget
# Application Load Balancer (ALB) Ingress Controller Deployment Manifest. # This manifest details sensible defaults for deploying an ALB Ingress Controller. # GitHub: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: labels: alb-ingress-controller name: alb-ingress-controller # Namespace the ALB Ingress Controller should run in. Does not impact which # namespaces it's able to resolve ingress resource for. For limiting ingress # namespace scope, see --watch-namespace. namespace: kube-system spec: selector: matchLabels: alb-ingress-controller template: metadata: labels: alb-ingress-controller spec: containers: - name: alb-ingress-controller args: ... # Repository location of the ALB Ingress Controller. image: serviceAccountName: alb-ingress-controller
--- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: labels: alb-ingress-controller name: alb-ingress-controller rules: - apiGroups: - "" - extensions resources: - configmaps - endpoints - events - ingresses - ingresses/status - services - pods/status verbs: - create - get - list - update - watch - patch - apiGroups: - "" - extensions resources: - nodes - pods - secrets - services - namespaces verbs: - get - list - watch --- apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: labels: alb-ingress-controller name: alb-ingress-controller roleRef: apiGroup: kind: ClusterRole name: alb-ingress-controller subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: alb-ingress-controller namespace: kube-system --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ServiceAccount metadata: labels: alb-ingress-controller annotations: # Add the annotations line arn:aws:iam::111122223333:role/role-name # Add the IAM role name: alb-ingress-controller namespace: kube-system
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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization