AWS : VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) 1 - netmask, subnets, default gateway, and CIDR
Configuring complex environments for VPC requires deep understanding of networking. VPC is about communicating between servers efficiently, developing secure network policies, and keeping our nodes organized.
In this chapter, we will discuss the concepts that are involved with designing or interacting with networked computers such as subnets and CIDR notation for grouping IP addresses.
While IPv6 is becoming more common, in this article, we will be studying the remaining concepts using IPv4 addresses because it is much easier to discuss since its smaller address space.
IP addresses are made of two separate components. The first part of the address is used to identify the network, and the other past is used to specify a specific host within that network.

There are also some portions of the IPv4 space that are reserved for specific uses.
One of the most useful reserved ranges is the loopback range specified by addresses from to This range is used by each host to test networking to itself. Typically, this is expressed by the first address in this range:
Each of the normal classes also have a range within them that is used to designate private network addresses.
- class A - - class B - - class C -

Picture from Private network - wiki
Subnetting is the process of dividing a network into smaller network sections. This helps to isolate groups of hosts together.
As we discussed in the section (IP addresses), each address space is divided into a network portion and a host portion. For instance, for class C addresses, the first 3 octets are used to describe the network. For the address, the 192.168.0 portion describes the network and the 12 describes the host.
Each network, by default, has only one subnet, which contains all of the host addresses defined within. A netmask is basically a specification of the amount of address bits that are used for the network portion. A subnet mask is another netmask within used to further divide the network.
Each bit of the address that is considered significant for describing the network should be represented as a "1" in the netmask.
For instance, the address we discussed above, in a binary format, looks like this:
1100 0000 - 1010 1000 - 0000 0000 - 0000 1100
The network portion for class C addresses is the first 3 octets, or the first 24 bits. Since these are the significant bits that we want to preserve, the netmask would be:
1111 1111 - 1111 1111 - 1111 1111 - 0000 0000
In the normal IPv4 format, this can be expressed as Any bit that is a "0" in the binary representation of the netmask is considered part of the host portion of the address.
We determine the network portion of the address by applying a bitwise AND operation to between the address and the netmask. A bitwise AND operation will basically save the networking portion of the address and discard the host portion. The result of this on our above example that represents our network is:
1100 0000 - 1010 1000 - 0000 0000 - 0000 1100 address 1111 1111 - 1111 1111 - 1111 1111 - 0000 0000 netmast ---------------------------------------------- 1100 0000 - 1010 1000 - 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 network
This can be expressed as The host specification is then the difference between these original value and the host portion. In our case, the host is "0000 1100" or 12.
Subnetting is to take a portion of the host space of an address, and use it as an additional networking specification to divide the address space again.
For instance, a netmask of as we saw in previous section leaves us with 254 hosts in the network (Note that we cannot end in 0 or 255 because these are reserved). If we wanted to divide this into two subnetworks, we could use one bit of the conventional host portion of the address as the subnet mask.
For the sample (, the networking portion is:
1100 0000 - 1010 1000 - 0000 0000
Host portion is:
0000 1100
We can use the first bit of our host to designate a sub-network. We can do this by adjusting the subnet mask from:
1111 1111 - 1111 1111 - 1111 1111 - 0000 0000
To :
1111 1111 - 1111 1111 - 1111 1111 - 1000 0000
This netmask can be expressed as
We designated the first bit of the last octet as significant in addressing the network! This effectively produced two subnetworks.
- The first subnetwork is from to
- The second subnetwork contains the hosts to
Note that the subnet itself must not be used as an address.
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) is a method for allocating IP addresses and routing Internet Protocol packets.
It is an IP addressing scheme that replaces the older system based on classes A, B, and C.
A single IP address can be used to designate many unique IP addresses with CIDR. A CIDR IP address looks like a normal IP address except that it ends with a slash followed by a number, called the IP network prefix.
CIDR addresses reduce the size of routing tables and make more IP addresses available within organizations.

To be more specific, let's use the example in the previous sections.
We can express the idea that the IP address is associated with the netmask by using the CIDR notation of This means that the first 24 bits of the IP address given are considered significant for the network routing.
A default gateway in computer networking, is the node that is assumed to know how to forward packets on to other networks.
Typically, in a TCP/IP network, nodes such as servers, workstations and network devices each have a defined default route setting, (pointing to the default gateway), defining where to send packets for IP addresses for which they can determine specific route. The gateway is by definition a router.
As a simple example, let's think about the following 2 networks :
Network: Gateway: Usable: Broadcast:
Network: Gateway: Usable: Broadcast:
Note that /29 may cover a range of 8 addresses, but only 5 of them can be used as host endpoints. /30 has only 1 usable address.

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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization