Linux shell programming : array operations site search:
Array operations - iterating array
Let's start with the simplest array indexing:
#!/bin/bash arr=(10 5 300 4000 22000) len=${#arr[@]} for ((i=0;i<$len;i++)) do # index element of the array length of the element echo "$i ${arr[$i]} ${#arr[$i]}" done
0 10 2 1 5 1 2 300 3 3 4000 4 4 22000 5
Here is a more comprehensive array shell code:
#!/bin/bash stars=(Andromeda Circunus Lupus Sagitta Virgo) for item in "${stars[@]}" do echo $item done # first element echo ${stars[0]} echo ${stars:0} # all elements echo ${stars[@]} echo ${stars[@]:0} # all elements but not the first one echo ${stars[@]:1} # elements in a range echo ${stars[@]:1:3} # length of the first element echo ${#stars[0]} echo ${#stars} # number of elements echo ${#stars[*]} echo ${#stars[@]} # replacing substring echo ${stars[@]//t/T}
The output looks like this:
$ ./ Andromeda Circunus Lupus Sagitta Virgo Andromeda Andromeda Andromeda Circunus Lupus Sagitta Virgo Andromeda Circunus Lupus Sagitta Virgo Circunus Lupus Sagitta Virgo Circunus Lupus Sagitta 9 9 5 5 Andromeda Circunus Lupus SagiTTa Virgo
Array operations - Reverse a string
To reverse a string, we can do with a command rev
$ echo abcde | rev
To do the same thing in shell script, we need to know how to extract a single character from a string:
#!/bin/bash s="abcde" len=${#s} echo "1st string at index = 0, ${s:0:1}" echo "last string at index = 0, ${s:len-1:1}"
Note that the substring syntax looks like this:
## syntax ## ${parameter:offset:length}
1st string at index = 0, a last string at index = 0, e
Now, let's run a loop - extract a character from the end:
#!/bin/bash s="abcde" len=${#s} for ((i=len-1;i>=0;i--)) do echo "index=$i, ${s:$i:1}" done
index=4, e index=3, d index=2, c index=1, b index=0, a
It's time to reverse the string, constructing it one by one from the end:
#!/bin/bash s="abcde" len=${#s} for ((i=len-1;i>=0;i--)) do rev="$rev${s:$i:1}" echo "index=$i, rev=$rev" done
index=4, rev=e index=3, rev=ed index=2, rev=edc index=1, rev=edcb index=0, rev=edcba
Array operations - iterating array by index
In this section, we'll loop through via array index:
#!/bin/bash stars=(Andromeda Circunus Lupus Sagitta Virgo) for (( i=0; i<${#stars[@]}; i++ )) do echo ${stars[i]} done echo printf "%s\n" "${stars[@]}"
Andromeda Circunus Lupus Sagitta Virgo Andromeda Circunus Lupus Sagitta Virgo
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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization