Linux shell programming : shell substitution site search:
shell substitution
The shell substitutes an expression that contains one or more special characters.
The following code substitues the variable var with its value and "\n" with a new line:
#!/bin/bash var=1234 echo -e "The value of var is $var \n" echo -E "The value of var is $var \n" echo "The value of var is $var \n" echo -n "The value of var is $var \n"
k@laptop:~/SHELL$ ./ The value of var is 1234 The value of var is 1234 \n The value of var is 1234 \n The value of var is 1234 \nk@laptop:~/SHELL$
- -e option enables interpretation of backslash escapes.
- -E option to disable interpretation of backslash escapes (default).
- -n option to disable insertion of new line.
Command substitution
When shell encounters a command, it substitutes the command with output from the command given as:
Sample code:
#!/bin/sh date=`date` echo "date : $date" users=`who | wc -l` echo "Users : $user" up=`date ; uptime` echo "Uptime is $up"
date : Sun Nov 23 14:05:32 PST 2014 Users : Uptime is Sun Nov 23 14:05:32 PST 2014 14:05:32 up 1 day, 17:02, 4 users, load average: 0.52, 0.44, 0.30
Variable substitution
Depending on the variable's state, behavior of variable substitution varies.
Case | Substitutione | Description |
1 | ${v} | Substitue the value of v. |
2 | ${v:-w} | If v is null or unset, w is substituted for v. The value of v does not change. |
3 | ${v:=w} | If v is null or unset, v is set to the value of w. |
4 | ${v:+w} | If v is set, w is substituted for v. The value of v does not change. |
5 | ${v:?w} | If v is null or unset, w is printed to standard error. This checks that variables are set correctly. |
#!/bin/sh echo 'Case 1' v1=1 echo ${v1} echo echo 'Case 2' echo ${v2:-2} echo $v2 echo echo 'Case 3' echo ${v3:=3} echo $v3 echo echo 'Case41 - set' v41=4 echo ${v41:+4444} echo $v41 echo echo 'Case42 - unset' echo ${v42:+4444} echo $v42 echo echo 'Case51 - set' v51=5 echo ${v51:?55555} echo $v51 echo echo 'Case52 - unset' echo ${v52:?55555} echo $v52
Case 1 1 Case 2 2 Case 3 3 3 Case41 - set 4444 4 Case42 - unset Case51 - set 5 5 Case52 - unset ./ 30: ./ v52: 55555
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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization