Linux shell programming : metacharacters & quotes

The command options, option arguments and command arguments are separated by the space character. However, we can also use special characters called metacharacters
in a Linux command that the shell interprets rather than passing to the command.
The shell metacharacters
are listed here for reference:
Symbol | Meaning |
> | Output redirection |
>> | Output redirection (append) |
< | Input redirection |
* | File substitution wildcard; zero or more characters |
? | File substitution wildcard; one character | [ ] | File substitution wildcard; any character between brackets |
`cmd` | Command Substitution |
$(cmd) | Command Substitution |
| | The Pipe (|) |
; | Command sequence, Sequences of Commands |
[ ] | File substitution wildcard; any character between brackets |
|| | OR conditional execution |
&& | AND conditional execution |
( ) | Group commands, Sequences of Commands |
& | Run command in the background, Background Processes |
# | Comment |
$ | Expand the value of a variable |
\ | Prevent or escape interpretation of the next character |
<< | Input redirection |
Linux for Programmers and Users, Section 5.16:
Sometimes we need to pass metacharacters
to the command being run and do not want the shell to interpret them. There are three options to avoid shell interpretation of metacharacters
- Escape the metacharacter with a backslash (\). (See also Escaped Charaters) Escaping characters can be inconvenient to use when the command line contains several metacharacters that need to be escaped.
- Use single quotes (' ') around a string. Single quotes protect all characters except the backslash (\).
- Use double quotes (" "). Double quotes protect all characters except the backslash (\), dollar sign ($) and grave accent (`). Double quotes is often the easiest to use because we often want environment variables to be expanded.
The $ sign is one of the metacharacters, so it must be quoted to avoid special handling by the shell:
#!/bin/sh echo "\$9,800"
How we can print out the following?
echo <-$1500.**>; (update?) [y|n]
We can use Escape:
echo \<-\$1,234.\*\*\>\; \(update\?\) [y\|n]
But there is a simple solution:
echo '<-$1500.**>; (update?) [y|n]'
Any characters within single quotes are quoted just as if a backslash is in front of each character.
There are cases single quote cannot be a solution. For example:
#!/bin/sh balance=1234 echo 'My account balance is $balance; [as of (`date +%m/%d`)]'
But this produces:
My account balance is $balance; [as of (`date +%m/%d`)]
It is obvious that single quotes prevent variable substitution. If we want to substitute variable values and to make invert commas work as expected then we would need to put our commands in double quotes as follows:
#!/bin/sh balance=1234 echo "My account balance is \$$balance; [as of (`date +%m/%d`)]"
Now we have the output we want:
My account balance is $1234; [as of (11/23)]
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- Linux shell programming : metacharacters & quotes
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Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization